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UTA CARES Grant Program

Information on grants that support the adoption, modification, and creation of open educational resources (OER) at UTA.

Affordable Adoption Stipends

Affordable Adoption Stipends provide support for instructors to redesign a course by incorporating low- or zero-cost course materials. Adoption projects focus not only on selection of appropriate affordable resources but also on modifying teaching materials--such as syllabi, assignments, and exams--to effectively use the selected resources. Affordable Adoption Stipend recipients can receive up to $300 in funding for a low-cost course or $800 in funding for a zero-cost course.

Apply for an Affordable Adoption Stipend if...

  • Existing open or low-cost resources meet the needs of your courses with little or no modification.
  • The topics covered in your course rely heavily on current research (e.g., journal articles) that may not be openly licensed for reuse or modification.
  • You want to maintain a flexible reading list that can be updated in future semesters.

Affordable Adoption Stipend Requirements

Requirements for Affordable Adoption Stipends include (but are not limited to):

  • At the close of the grant project, the total cost for required course materials in the specified course must be:
    • Low-cost stipend option: less than $25 total per student
    • Zero-cost stipend option: $0 total per student
  • Attend an Open Textbook Workshop and/or schedule a consultation with the OER Department to discuss the project.
  • After being awarded an Adoption Stipend, grantees must:
    • Submit monthly project updates to grant administrators for the duration of the project to report on progress.
    • Submit a final project report summarizing the challenges and accomplishments of the project and its impact on student performance. The report shall include any data that assist in measuring the impact of the project. This report is due within three months following the implementation semester.
    • Continue to use the adopted resources (or other low-cost or zero-cost resources) for a minimum of two years.

OER Department logoQuestions?

Email the OER Department for help if your project doesn't seem to fit into the grant categories or if you can't meet listed grant requirements.