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UTA CARES Grant Program

Information on grants that support the adoption, modification, and creation of open educational resources (OER) at UTA.

Support for Grantees

The OER Department provides project support throughout the grant process. Support for UTA CARES grantees includes the following:

  • Pre-application consultations
  • Assistance in finding and evaluating OER
  • Training opportunities and workshops (listed below)
  • Copyright assistance
  • Student satisfaction surveys and usage data
  • Publishing support
    • Technical support and platform troubleshooting
    • Print services
    • Accessibility checks
    • Content migration from other formats
    • Preservation, metadata, and indexing of OER


UTA Libraries provide no-cost access to Pressbooks for UTA faculty, staff, and students interested in creating or modifying OER. Pressbooks is a web-based publishing tool that allows authors to easily import content and export the resulting publication to a variety of formats, including EPUB, PDF, and Canvas cartridge. Additionally, the platform and compatible plugins support embedded multimedia, interactive assessment, and web annotation. 

Books created in Pressbooks do not need to be supported by UTA CARES Grant funding. All members of the UTA community are invited to request access to our Pressbooks Sandbox to experiment with and learn about the publishing platform.


Topics offered in Spring 2024 will include:

UTA CARES Grant Information Sessions

All sessions presented virtually on Teams

Virtual Events

Please note that attendees must join the Open Educational Resources Microsoft Team to view and use the chat function during virtual sessions. All virtual sessions are hosted via the Teams platform, and recordings are available in the UTA Workshops channel of the OER Team.