The last place we gather information from is the publisher’s website, which we include because it gives you a way to show the impact of your research beyond citation count. Usually, an article record in Google Scholar or the Web of Science will provide a link to the article on the publisher’s site, but you can also do a web search or use the DOI to find it.
There are two pieces of information we use the publisher’s website to find: the Altmetric score, and usage data, like views and downloads. Sometimes the publisher will include the Altmetric score with other article metrics, but so long as there is a DOI on the page, you should be able to look it up using the bookmarklet tool. In this case, both usage data and the Altmetric score are listed:
However, since this publisher provides a separate tab of metrics data, it is always a good idea to check to see what information is collected there. In some cases, it may be more granular than what appears on the article’s landing page.
While you can just record the Altmetric score in your report, you might want to consider inserting a hyperlink back to the full Altmetric record when you enter the number into the chart on the report. We recommend this because Altmetric records provide much richer data on the article usage across different platforms than just listing the score alone. The easiest way to do so is by using the Altmetric bookmarklet tool, which is an internet browser add-on that uses an article’s DOI to find the associated Altmetric record. Once the tool has been installed, clicking the button will generate a small window with the Altmetric score in the upper-right of your browser.
Clicking on the window will bring you to the full details about the different facets that contribute to the full Altmetric score.
After you click through to the fully chart and copy the URL, go back to your report, record the score number in the chart, and then create a hyperlink by highlighting the score, right-clicking and selecting the link option in the menu of whatever word processing program you are using.
The final type of information we use from the publisher’s site is related to usage. In this case, the article has 98 views. We recommend you use the language the publisher uses in this section of the report, so if they measure usage by downloads and not views, be sure to adjust the wording in the report. Sometimes multiple types of usage data are provided, and it will be up to the you to choose which ones you want to include.
Once all metrics for an article have been collected, the final chart will appear like so:
Repeat the above steps for each article on the CV until the section is complete.
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