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Scholarly Impact Report

Author Summary Page

The author summary page serves as a broad snapshot of the author’s impact. While subsequent sections will focus more narrowly on individual works and journals, this page highlights the author. 

For some yearly evaluations, this may be the only thing you need.  



While Web of Science is the recognized standard, not all subject areas are well represented with that tool, so it is helpful to also include Google Scholar information. Our template already has space for both of those metrics. 

Publish or Perish uses data from Google Scholar, but it provides more data than you can find on the Google Scholar Profile page. 

Google Scholar Profile

Navigate to your Google Scholar Profile page to find your ID. You’ll want to copy the user id number out of the web address for your profile. The user id will be between the “user=” and the “&hl=en.” If you grab more or less of the web address than that, Publish or Perish will not be able to find the correct profile. 






Open Publish or Perish and select the Google Scholar Profile option.



Screenshot showing how to select a Google Scholar profile as a data source in publish or perish


From there, paste the code into the Profile ID box in the search options. It can take a while for the search to pull up results, so please be patient. You can use the extra time it takes to populate to complete some of the sections on the Author Summary page you already have info for and then come back to it when it’s done. 



Screenshot showing where to insert a Google Scholar profile number in the publish or perish search interface





Once the profile loads in Publish or Perish, you will see a list of articles at the bottom, and a section for metrics in the top right box. 





Within these metrics, you are looking for the total number of papers, number of citations, cite/year, cite/paper, h-index, and g-index. If interested, you can also include authors/paper. 



Screenshot of citation metrics in Publish or Perish



From there, you can close out Publish or Perish, you don’t really need it for anything else. In the author’s Google Profile page, articles are automatically sorted by most cited. If you would like to include the citation for the most cited paper and the corresponding number of citations according to Google Scholar, you can do so there. 

Web of Science

To find the most cited article in Web of Science, open the database and toggle the search tab from documents to researcher. If you have an author profile, it will appear in the results. 




Toward the bottom of the page, you will find the list of publications and the number of citations. Depending on what is indexed in Web of Science, the highest cited article may differ from Google Scholar.