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APA Guide: 7th Edition


  • Make sure you label all of the table elements.
  • If you are comparing items, put them close to each other.
  • The table should be understood without referring to the document.
  • Provide a key for any abbreviations you use in the table.


Table Number

  • Put the bolded title above the table or figure.


  • Place the title one double-spaced line below the table or figure number in italics.  
  • The title should be concise, clear, and explanatory.


  • ​Include headings for every part of your table.


  • Rows of cells containing primary data of the table.


  • general note: qualifies, explains, or provides information relating to the table as a whole and ends with an explanation of any abbreviations, symbols, and the like.
  • specific note: refers to a particular column, row, or cell. It is indicated by superscripts lowercase letters (eg.,  abc).
  • probability note: indicates how asterisks and other symbols are used in a table to indication p values and thus the results of tests of statistical hypothesis testing.


NOTE: All headings identify items below them, NOT across from them.


All content on this guide comes from the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and from the APA Style Blog.


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 

American Psychological Association. (2020, October). Blog