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Texas History: Special Collections&
Historical Agencies

This guide focuses on resources useful in studying Texas history

UTA Special Collections Resources

On the 6th floor of Central Library, Special Collections specializes in historical materials relatings to Texas, the U.S. War with Mexico (1846-1848), the cartographic history of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, and Mexico from 1810-1920. The collections include more than 50,000 volumes, 9,000 linear feet of manuscript and archival collections, 7,000 historical maps, 4 million photographic prints and negatives, and thousands of items in other formats.

Beverly Carver is the Public Services Librarian for Special Collections. Feel free to contact her at or (817) 272-3225 if you have any questions.

Texas Historical Archives
and Agencies

History Liaisons

Profile Photo
Juliana Espinosa
Central Library
Lib Suite 516
5th floor
Subjects: History