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CHEM 2181-2283: Why Cite

For CHEM 2181 lab library sessions

What's in a citation

}  Who wrote the information: author(s), editor(s)

}  Article title, book title, chapter in book, website topic, etc.

}  (Source) Name of the book, journal title, website, newspaper, thesis, government document, etc.

}  Publication date and/or publisher information

}  Volume or issue (if journal)

}  Page numbers (to find specific information)

}  Provides database name and URL or website URL

Why citing is important

}  Provides access to the source of information

}  Shows respect for Intellectual Property (ownership of information) or proper attribution of others ideas and/or words

}  footnotes, endnotes and works cited list strengthens and gives credit to your paper

       You’ve done the research and found information that supports your own argument or gives another view (substantiates your own findings/ideas

}  Citations/references show other published sources or researchers doing similar research

}  Keeps one from being accused of plagiarizing

}  Abiding by the UTA Student Code of Conduct and UT System Rules and Regulations