Web Registration
Read This First!

is for Educational use ONLY
- Access to SciFinder-n is restricted to currently enrolled students and currently appointed faculty and staff at the University of Texas at Arlington.
- During account setup, you will be asked to provide a valid personal email address ending in uta.edu. If your preferred email provider is an external system such as Gmail, your campus mail account must be set to forward to your preferred account.
- Your user name must be unique and contain 5-15 characters. It can contain only letters or a combination of letters, numbers, and/or these special characters: - (dash); _ (underscore);. (period); @ (at symbol). Your password must contain 7-15 characters and include at least three of the following: letters; mixed upper- and lowercase letters; numbers; non-alphanumeric characters such as @ # % & *
- A confirmation email will be sent to the address you provide, containing an IP-restricted link that you must follow to complete the process. (If you are off campus, you must have a proxied browser session or the link won't work.)
- Only one user account is allowed per email address.
- The University of Texas at Arlington will not know your password. Be sure to answer the secret question so you can retrieve your password if you forget it.
- Each individual must have his/her own SciFinder-n account. As with all personal data, never share your username and password with anyone else. CAS will delete accounts that it suspects are shared or abusive.
- Academic use of SciFinder-n is restricted by conditions you agree to upon logging in. Please read and be aware of these conditions. CAS actively monitors searching activity for evidence of abuse
License agreement:
Commercial use of your University account is strictly prohibited.
By clicking the Accept button, once you have registered to use SciFinder you are agreeing to the following terms below:
1 ) I am a current faculty, staff member, or officially registered student of the University.
2 ) I will use SciFinder-n ONLY for my own academic research.
3 ) I will not use SciFinder-n for commercial research or for organizations other than my University.
4 ) I will not share my unique username and password with any other individual.
5 ) I will not use an automated script.
6 ) I may store no more than 5,000 records in electronic form at any one time.
Violations of these terms may result in your University losing SciFinder-n access.