Gale Ebooks (formerly named Gale Virtual Library or GVRL) provides a wealth of full-text reference and general subject books in a wide variety of subjects.
Sources offered in the GVRL include multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company histories, consumer health references and history compilations. A wide variety of subjects are covered including arts, biography, business, education, environment, history, law, medicine, multicultural, religion and science.
This volume will provide a state of the art description of all the topics of interest to language educators and all those concerned with making and implementing policy in language education. Fundamental topics include: the social context, society, national, school and curricular policy, literacy and oracy, language acquisition, bi- and plurilingualism, testing, TEFL, TESOL, SLA.
" 118 brief articles (three to five pages), vetted by an international team of scholars, define key terms, describe the work of leading theorists and researchers, cite substantive critical responses, and most importantly, raise more questions than they attempt to answer."
"ELL2 has a strong international focus, thanks to its contributors (who come from 70 countries) and its 400 articles on specific languages or language families. While it treats the core areas of linguistics (e.g., syntax, phonetics, phonology) quite thoroughly, it also covers related topics in other fields such as anthropology, psychology, religion, medicine, and law."
In this second, fully revised edition, the 10 volume Encyclopedia of Language and Education offers the newest developments including two new volumes of research and scholarly content essential to the field of language teaching and learning in the age of globalization. In the selection of topics and contributors, the Encyclopedia reflects the depth of disciplinary knowledge, breadth of interdisciplinary perspective, and diversity of sociogeographic experience in the field. Throughout, there is an inclusion of contributions from non-English speaking and non-western parts of the world, providing truly global coverage.
"Provides in a single resource: expert analysis of the current language policy situation in every multilingual country and on every continent, detailed descriptions of little-known languages from all over the world, and clear alphabetical entries, region by region, of all the world's languages currently thought to be in danger of extinction."
"Around 7,000 languages are spoken across the world today and at least half may no longer be spoken by the end of this century. This Handbook examines the reasons behind this dramatic loss of linguistic diversity, why it matters, and what can be done to document and support endangered languages."
"An encyclopedia summarizing knowledge about all Native peoples north of Mesoamerica, including cultures, languages, history, prehistory, and human biology, is a standard reference work for anthropologists, historians, students, and the general reader." NOTE: Vol. 17 covers languages.
Contains "forty original chapters on a broad range of topics in applied linguistics by a diverse group of contributors. Its goal is to provide a comprehensive survey of the current state of the field, the many connections among its various sub-disciplines, and the likely directions of its future development. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics addresses a broad audience: applied linguists; educators and other scholars."
"Covers economic revival, identity conflict, political and environmental justice, self-rule, revival of traditional food systems, federal fraud, and linguistic and cultural revitalization. The fact that the discussion does not stop at the arbitrary national borders of the US is a plus. It is also more than time that the discussion focuses on contemporary reality rather than histories of traditions."