Before starting to search an article database for articles are you topic some thought should be put into what you need for the research assignment or project. This planning will help save time and provide more relevant search results. The list of suggestions below is meant as a guide to help you plan your research project.
- Do you need up-to-date or historical information?
- Are you limited to a specific time period? (i.e. January 1944 to December 1945)
- Create a list of "keyword" the are important for your topic. (depression, work place, boss)
- Create a list of synomyns or other words that suggest the same meaning (i.e. boss, supervisor, manager, employer)
- Think about ways to combine these words (depression AND health) = AND search searches for both words and will narrow the search results. An OR search (depression OR health) broadens the search results
- Once you perform your seach - review the results.
- Like the results? If not try changing your keywords.
- If you are using Business Source Complete you can check the Subject area (left side of the page) for other keyword or subject terms