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Chemistry and Biochemistry

American Chemical Society (ACS) Citation Style

Two authors only

If only two authors, list first author using "and" before listing second author.

Author 1 (last name, initial of first name only) and Author 2.  Title of Article. Journal Abbreviation [Online] Year, Volume, Page Numbers. Database Name. Database URL (accessed Month, Day, Year).

Correct format for assignment:

Liu, M. and Jhang, Z. Efficient Synthesis of Alkyl Aryl Ketones & Ketals via Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Aylation of Vinyl

      Ethers. Org. Biomol. Chem. [Online] 2010, 8, 462-473  SciFinder. (accessed Oct. 7, 2019).

Two authors up to nine authors

If a reference has more than two authors, list all authors using a semi-colon in between. 

Author 1 (last name, initial of first name only); Author 2; Author 3; Author 4; Author 5; Author 6; Author 7.  Title of Article. Journal  Abbreviation [Online] Year, Volume, Page Numbers. Database Name. Database URL (accessed Month, Day, Year).

Correct format for assignment:

Gao, D.; Xu, M.; Cao, Z.; Gao, J.; Chen, Y.; Li, Y.; Yang, Z.; Xie, X.; Jiang, Q.; Wang, W.; Liu, J. Ultrasound-

      Triggered Phase-Transition Cationic Nanodroplets for Enhanced Gene Delivery. ACS Appl. Mater.

       Interfaces [Online] 2015, 7, 13524-13537. SciFinder. (accessed Oct. 7, 2019).

Ten or more authors

If ten or more, give only the first name listed, followed by "et al."  Do not use a comma before al; always use a period after al.  

Author 1 (last name, initial of first name only) et al.  Title of Article. Journal Abbreviation [Online] Year, Volume, Page Numbers. Database Name. Database URL (accessed Month, Day, Year).  

Correct format for assignment:

Liu, M. et al. Efficient Synthesis of Alkyl Aryl Ketones & Ketals via Palladium-Catalyzed 
           Regioselective Aylation of Vinyl Ethers. Org. Biomol. Chem. [Online] 2010, 8, 462-473. SciFinder.
  (accessed Oct. 7, 2019).

ACS Citing Examples

From a print journal:
Hong, S. Y.; Kwon, S. J.; Kim, S. C.; Marynick, D. S.  Effects of   bridging groups on
      electronic structures of conjugated cyclic polymers.  Synth Met 2007, 69,  701-2.
Online journal article also in print accessed from the library catalog directly to the journal webpage:
Hong, S. Y.; Kwon, S. J.; Kim, S. C.; Marynick, D. S.  Effects of bridging groups on
     electronic structures of conjugated cyclic polymers.   Synth Met [Online] 2007,   
     Oct. 09, 2016).
An internet website:
Hong, S. Y.  Effects of bridging groups on electronic structures of conjugated cyclic
      polymers, 2007.  American Chemical Society. (accessed  
      Oct. 09, 2016)

American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style

Modern Language Association (MLA) Citation Style

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