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LaTeX in Engineering Sciences

Common Mistakes

Using Overleaf LaTeX can streamline the process of document preparation, but users often encounter common errors that can disrupt their workflow. Below are some typical issues and how to address them:

1. Missing Packages

Problem: LaTeX reports an error because a required package is not installed or included in your document.

Solution: Ensure you include all necessary packages in the preamble of your document. For example, if your document uses advanced mathematical formatting, include the amsmath package.

Code: \usepackage{amsmath}

2. Undefined Control Sequence

Problem: LaTeX doesn't recognize a command, often because it's mistyped or the corresponding package is not loaded.

Solution: Check the command spelling and ensure any required packages are included in the preamble. For example, for the command \textbf to make text bold, ensure it is correctly written.

Code: \textbf{Bold Text}

3. Mismatched Braces or Parentheses

Problem: Every opening brace { or parenthesis ( must have a corresponding closing brace } or parenthesis ). Missing or extra braces/parentheses can cause compilation errors.

Solution: Carefully check your document for unbalanced braces or parentheses. Overleaf will often highlight the error location.

\textit{This is italic text} % Correct

\textit{This is italic text % Missing closing brace

4. File Not Found

Problem: LaTeX cannot find an external file (like an image or bibliography) referenced in your document.

Solution: Verify that the file exists in your project directory and that the path in your LaTeX code is correct.

Code: \includegraphics{image.png} % Ensure 'image.png' is in the same directory or provide the correct path

5. Overfull/Underfull Boxes

Problem: LaTeX indicates that text extends beyond the page margins or doesn’t fill the specified space appropriately.

Solution: Adjust text or layout to fit within the page boundaries. You might need to tweak line breaks, hyphenation, or box dimensions.

Code: \begin{figure}

            \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{image.png} % Adjust the width to fit the page
