Searching within Archive-It can be accomplished from a variety of different locations, but ensure that you are on a Special Collections page, to limit your search. Selecting one of the collections will narrow your search accordingly. Use the search bar under the UTA Libraries logo to begin your search. Please be patient as this can take a few minutes!
Any results for your search will be displayed, sorted by the closest match. The two tabs above the search results will allow you to browse matches for individual web pages, or entire websites. Advanced searching can be done to the left of the search results, where additional search terms and facets can be combined.
Another helpful feature of Archive-It is the ability to search for a specific URL, which can be useful if looking for previous versions of an existing web page on the live web. In the same search bar at the top of your page, enter your URL and click the search button. While it may look like Archive-It has not returned any results, if the URL exists in an archived website, look for a small link under the search bar "View All Archived Versions."
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University of Texas Arlington Libraries
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