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Research Impact: Engineering Sciences

Journal Level Metrics

1. Impact factor: the number of times an average paper in a journal is cited, during a year.

Calculation: B / A = Impact factor

(A) No. of total citable items published in the journal for the last two years  

(B) Total No of times the published items (A) were cited in the current year

E.g. if a journal has an impact factor of 4.0 this means that it has published 1000 articles in the past two years that have been cited 4000 times in the current year. 4000 (2023) / 1000 (2021-2022) = 4.0


2. Rank by Journal Impact Factor: Journals are sorted in descending order by their Impact Factor within their specific category (e.g., Biomedical Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences).

This helps to identify the leading journals in their respective disciplines.

Top Quartile (Q1) Rankings:

  • Journals are often divided into quartiles based on their Impact Factors.
  • Q1 journals are those in the top 25% of the Impact Factor distribution for their category, indicating high prestige and influence.
Where to find journal metrics?