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Nursing Research (NURS 3321/4325/5366)

Follow these steps to perform the keyword search:


A string of synonyms from the previous tab can now be placed in a search box in CINAHL or another database. (In other databases, the word “or” will need to be capitalized.) TIP: CINAHL will pre-populate synonyms in the search bar as you type. Select the most appropriate search terms or continue to type your own.


EBSCO Host search box


For now, you will want to enter and search one line from your PICO at a time. These searches will be combined later in another step. Clear out the search bar before performing a new search!


Once you have completed your searches for each part of your PICO, you will be able to view those searches by clicking on the “Search History” link located just below the last search box. This will help you keep track of what searches you have completed.  We will begin adding searches and combining searches in later steps.


search history/alerts