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This guide will quickly help you find the resources you need at any stage of your research. If you aren't sure where to start or you have further questions, use our 24/7 Ask Us Chat.



Search the UTA Libraries' Discovery Tool.

Your search results will include books and e-books currently accessible through the UTA Libraries.


Search for books and other materials at libraries worldwide.


Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books.

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UTA Libraries catalog indicates the book is "available" but you don't find it on the shelf.

If you need help locating an item using the Call Number, find Library staff at a service desk to help you. Or, take a look at this tutorial -- How To Read a Call Number

If you have checked the shelf, browsed the area, and the item is not there, go to the first floor service desk and ask for the Search Request form. Staff will search for the item and send you an email when it is found.

For complete details about missing or lost items, visit this page.


UTA Libraries doesn't own the resource you need?
