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Systematic Reviews

Customizing EndNote

Customizing EndNote

  1. To add screeners:  Keep in mind that in EndNote options, it will reflect the "Custom" name and number instead of your created name.
    1. Click Edit, then select Preferences...
    2. In the new window, select Reference Types.
    3. Click Modify Reference Types.
    4. In the new window, scroll down to the custom fields (e.g., Custom 2). Add or replace the field title next to the custom field number you'd like to change. Press OK in both windows to save.
  2. To add a database note fieldFollow the steps above to change a custom field (say, Custom 1) and name it "Database Note."
  3. To batch edit citations: 
    1. Import citations from one database at a time.
    2. When new references are loaded, select all the references you'd like to edit.
    3. Go to Tools, and select Change/Move/Copy Fields...
    4. In the "Change Fields" tab, select the field that you wish to change. In this case, it would be "Custom 1."
    5. Select Replace Whole Field With, and type in the name of the database and the date searched.



Customizing RefWorks

  1. To add screeners: Click "Customize" in top right corner, and click "User Field Options" in the bottom left. Place each screener's name a user field.
  2. In order to batch edit during import of citations: Click "Customize" in the top right corner, and click "Import Options" in the middle of the orange menu. Then change Show Option for Global Edit of Electronic Source Related Fields After Import to "Yes."
  3. To add folders for stages: Click "New Folder" near the top. Create the following folders:
    1. Interlibrary Loan
    2. No (with a subfolder titled "No B")
    3. Primary Screen
    4. Secondary Screen
    5. Yes
    6. I also like to make folders titled "Other" and "Processing." These are optional. The Other folder serves to keep items not part of the systematic review but could be used for other things (e.g., example systematic reviews or articles to go in the background section). The Processing folder can be helpful for making sure you've processed all content before screeners begin.
  4. To add a Screening View: 
    1. Click "Bibliography" in the top menu and select "Output Style Editor."
      1. Select a style - it doesn't matter which.
      2. Next to Name, type something like "Screening View," and, in the bottom right corner, press "Save As," then "Edit."
      3. In the new window, next to Reference Type, choose "Journal Article."
      4. Remove fields that will get in the way during screening (volume number, pages, authors, and more) by selecting them in the right box and pressing the green arrow pointing left.
      5. Add fields that you will need during screening (abstract, names of your screeners) by selecting them in the left box and pressing the green arrow pointing right.
      6. Journal article was most important, but feel free to also change other reference types to make screening easier.
      7. Click Save and leave that window.
    2. Next, go to "Customize" in the top right corner. Change the first Output Style Choices for Reference View to "Screening View" or the name you chose when creating the output style. Then click "Save Customized Settings."
    3. Last you will want to activate that output style you've created and made available. Do this by clicking on the pencil icon in the top right corner of a reference to edit.
      1. At the top of that pop-up screen, change "Fields Used By" to "Screening View" or the name you chose when creating the output style.
      2. Press "Save Reference" and exit. Now, Screening View will always be how you see your references, making screening much easier.

Exporting from Databases

  1. EBSCO Databases
    1. Just above your list of results, click "Share."
    2. At the bottom of the menu, under "Export results," click E-mail a link to download exported results (up to 25000).
    3. Input your email information, and, on the right, choose RIS format. Then press Send.
    4. An RIS file will be sent to your email. It may take 5-10 minutes. Save it to your computer.
  2. Ovid Databases (export limit at UTA is 1000 at a time)
    1. If you have over 1,000 references to export: Go just above your list of results, and the empty box that says "Range," type in 1-1000.
    2. Click the "Export" icon & link in the right-justified menu above the references, and it should show you the range of references as well as the total number you are exporting. Then click the "Export" button to download them.
    3. If you have over 1,000 references to export: Continue exporting by changing the range to 1001-2000, exporting those, and continuing until you have saved them all.
  3. ProQuest Databases
  4. NCBI Databases (e.g., PubMed)


In EndNote (At Import)


  1. Hover over "Organize," and select "Manage My Groups."
  2. Click on New Group and name your group.
  3. Hover over "Collect," and select "Import References."
  4. Import your file:
    1. Select the file you would like to import.
    2. Next to "Import Option" click on "Select Favorites"
    3. Select "RefMan RIS" from the menu, then click "Copy to Favorites"
    4. You should now be able to select "RefMan RIS" from the Import Option menu.
    5. Using the "To" menu, select the name of the group you just created.
  5. Click "Import."


In RefWorks (At Import)

Helpful resource for updating:

  1. Go to "References" in the top menu, and select "Import."
  2. Choose either RIS, nBib, NLM PubMed, or the data source (EBSCOhost, etc.) format next to Import Filter/Data Source depending on the type of file you have. (You can figure out what file type you have by right-clicking your file and pressing "Properties.")
  3. For NLM PubMed, the rest of the options will change to what they need to be. For the other types, you will need to choose the database you got the citations from. If you chose a format in step 2, it will likely be the format name again. If you chose a data source, like EBSCOhost, in step 2, choose the EBSCOhost database that it was, like CINAHL or Academic Search Complete.
  4. Click "Choose File" then find the reference file where you saved it on your computer.
  5. If you made a processing folder, choose "Processing" next to Import Into Folder.
  6. Global edit: 
    1. Choose "Database" after Field to Add Data.
    2. Type in the name of the database you searched and the date you searched.
    3. Choose "Overwrite existing data" then "Add data."
    4. You will then confirm you would like to make the changes before it will do so.


For Screening EndNote References in Rayyan QCRI



  1. To setup Rayyan: 
    1. Login or sign up for an account at
    2. Press New review...
    3. Give the review a title and a description (optional).
      Keep in mind, there is only one owner (aka: creator) for each review, and this person cannot change. Only the creator can change the blinding setting.
    4. Rayyan's import feature can be unreliable for a number of sources, including Ovid, EBSCO, and Scopus. Therefore, it is recommended to use an RIS export from EndNote. (Steps for migrating references from EndNote to Rayyan.)
  2. To add screeners:
    1. Press the back arrow in your browser to visit your My Reviews tab.
    2. Click the downward arrow or title of the review you're working on, and it will expand to show information about that review.
    3. Next click Invite.
    4. In the pop-up window, type in the email addresses of your reviewers separated by commas, add a message, and press "Invite."
    5. The last step to make before screening is ready is to add the Exclusion reasons. These should be agreed upon by everyone, including how they will be worded. To do this, press Show under the review of interest.
    6. Click on a reference in the middle/top of the screen, then, in the Reason box, type in your reason and press Enter. Do this for each new reason for Exclusion. These will now be options available to all reviewers.
    7. For Primary Screening, you should have Blinding turned OFF (see red button in the image under step 3). For Secondary Screening, you should have Blinding turned ON to allow for each item to be screened by both reviewers. 


  1. Accept the invitation to the review (received via email) and visit the review at You may have to click the review name and then press Show.
  2. Click on a reference of interest in the "Undecided" category, then press Include (or the key on your keyboard) or Exclude (or the e key on your keyboard). If you select Exclude, be sure to also select one of the reasons for exclusion.
  3. You can then move onto the next article until there are no more in the "Undecided" category.

**For more information, visit**


For Screening in RefWorks


  1. To create a list of remaining articles for screeners: 
    1. Click "Search" and choose "Advanced."
    2. Press the round green plus sign until you have a row for each screener.
    3. Next to each "Search Field:" choose the screeners' names from the list. (This can only be done if the general RefWorks customizations were done - see first tab.)
    4. Depending on whether you want one of the screeners or all of the screeners to have reviewed each item, use AND or OR between the rows.
    5. In each row, check the boxes that are under "Search for Empty Field."
    6. Change "References to Search" to the folder with all of the records for that screening.
    7. Press "Save" then name it. Be sure to share the name of the articles remaining search with your screeners (see steps for screeners below).


  1. Go to "View" in the top menu, then "Saved Search Results," then select the name of the search to find articles remaining. A list of articles that still need to be screened will be provided.
  2. Click the pencil in the top right corner of the first reference to edit.
  3. In primary screening, read over the abstract answering the inclusion/exclusion criteria questions. In secondary screening, click to access the full text (360 Link or attached PDF).
    1. If you get a no, type "no #n", with "n" standing for the question number in which you answered no.
    2. If you get a yes, unclear, or maybe in primary screening, type "second."
    3. If you get a yes in secondary screening, type "yes."

Exporting Rayyan Records to EndNote

  1. To move metadata back to EndNote:
    1. In Progress

**For more information, visit**


In RefWorks Allocating to Folders

  1. To move screened articles into folders:
    1. Click "Search" and choose "Advanced."
    2. Press the round green plus sign until you have a row for each screener.
    3. Next to each "Search Field:" choose the screeners' names from the list. (This can only be done if the general RefWorks customizations were done - see first tab.)
    4. Edit based on screening type:
      1. For primary screening, you can save these searches or just run them as needed:
        1. ​Articles Moving to Secondary Screening:
          1. Change the Boolean operator to OR.  
          2. In each row, after "for," type second.
          3. Change  "References to Search" to "Primary Screen."
          4. Press "Search." Record the number of articles moving to secondary screening.
          5. In the grey "References" tab, select "All in List," then click the folder with the plus sign in a green circle and choose "Second Screen."
        2. Articles that received a No:
          1. Change the Boolean operator to OR.
          2. In each row, after "for," type no #1.
          3. Change  "References to Search" to "Primary Screen."
          4. Press "Search." Record the number of articles that were excluded based on criteria number 1.
          5. In the grey "References" tab, select "All in List," then click the folder with the plus sign in a green circle and choose "No."
          6. Repeat these steps with each criteria number.
      2. For secondary screening, you can save these searches or just run them as needed:
        1. ​Articles Moving to Yes folder:
          1. Change the operator to AND. In each row, after "for," type in yes.
          2. Change  "References to Search" to "Secondary Screen."
          3. Press "Search." Record the number of articles that received a yes by both screeners.
          4. In the grey "References" tab, select "All in List," then click the folder with the plus sign in a green circle and choose "Yes.​ 
        2. Articles Moving to "No B" Folder:
          1. Change the Boolean operator to AND.
          2. In each row, after "for," type no #1.
          3. Change  "References to Search" to "Secondary Screen."
          4. Press "Search." Record the number of articles that were excluded based on criteria number 1.
          5. In the grey "References" tab, select "All in List," then click the folder with the plus sign in a green circle and choose "No."
          6. Repeat these steps with each criteria number.
      3.  After the steps for the screening you are in, visit that folder (primary or secondary) and see the remaining articles. These are ones in which there is disagreement between reviewers. It should already be determined how disagreements are settled. Follow the decision that was made and manually move the remaining articles to the folder(s) to which they belong and record where they went in your documentation.

Screening Documentation

Document at least the following details of your screening:

    Articles that received no for primary and secondary screening
  • Reasons why they were excluded
  • Articles that received yes