About Data Access and Copyright
Public Access - data available for viewing but not easily redistributed. For example, copyrighted/proprietary data available online in PDF form.
Open Access - Machine readable data available without restrictions via public domain or CC0.
Proprietary - Data in which ownership is claimed by an entity. Licenses include traditional copyright, where all rights are retained, Creative Commons and other similar licenses.
Public Domain - There is no ownership (i.e., no licenses) of data in the public domain, and anyone can use the data how they choose. While CC0 isn't public domain, its license offers the closest amounts of freedoms as possible in comparison to items in the public domain.
The 2013 Public Access to Federally Funded Research memo from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy directed most grant-funding agencies to develop policy requirements public access to resulting articles and data. This page looks at the requirements from federal funders for managing and sharing research data; for articles, see requirements for public access to publications.
For more detailed information, including timelines for sharing, please see the other tabs: Requirements Overview, More Information, and Full Table of Funders.
For information on the Public Access to Federally Funded Research including the 2022 OSTP Nelson Memo, and working with Data Management Plans using the DMPTool click here
Information adapted from the University of Minnesota Libraries. For more info, see http://scholarlycommunication.uta.edu.
Federal funders' responses to the OSTP memo (updated as they become available):
Agency | Directorate | Effective Date | DMP Required? | Sharing Venue |
DOD | End of 2016 | Yes | “Established, publicly accessible institutional repositories” | |
DOE | Oct. 2015 | Yes | OpenEI for EERE, or other approved repositories | |
DoED | IES | FY2016 | Yes | “existing data repository” or other approach* |
DOT | Dec. 31, 2015 | Yes | An appropriate data repository, and inventoried in the DoT Public Data Listing | |
HHS | AHRQ | Oct. 2015 | Yes | TBD |
ASPR | Oct. 2015 | Yes | Publicly accessible databases | |
CDC | Oct. 2015 | Yes | Encourages the use of public repositories | |
FDA | Oct. 2015 | Yes | Publicly accessible, discipline specific repositories | |
NIH | End of 2015 | Yes | Existing, publicly accessible repositories | |
NASA | Jan. 1, 2015 | Yes | Existing data repositories | |
NIST | Oct. 2015 | Yes | Publicly accessible databases | |
NOAA | 2015 | Yes | Existing NOAA data centers, other data repositories, interagency Research Data Commons | |
NSF | 2011 | Yes | “an appropriate repository” | |
Smithsonian | October 2015 | Partial** | Smithsonian Research Online, or approved external data repository | |
USDA | January 2016 | Yes | USDA registry of datasets, other repository options | |
VA | December 31, 2015 | Yes | Partner with HHS, NIH, FDA, and DoD on “effective mechanisms" |
* Data must be available for at least 10 years
** Data management plan is required for digital projects
To locate requirements for agencies not listed here, we recommend searching the web and specifying government websites in addition to your keywords. For example, "site:gov atmospheric radiation". This will help you find funders at local, state and national levels with data management expectations.
CC0 - according to Creative Commons, is "a universal public domain dedication that may be used by anyone wishing to permanently surrender the copyright and database rights (where they exist) they may have in a work, thereby placing it as nearly as possible into the public domain."
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For details and exceptions, see the Library Copyright Statement.
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