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Geospatial & Numeric Data


 National Datasets

U.S. Census
Census Tiger

Center for International Earth Science Information Network Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Data.Gov
ICPSR ICPSR: U.S. Census Data
Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

National Historic Geographic Information Systems National Historic Geographic Information Systems (NHGIS)
Reference USA
U.S. Census Statistical Abstracts of United States
Simply Analytics logo
USDA logo USDA:NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway
USGS logo USGS Data & Science Portal


Texas and Local Datasets


NCTCOG (North Central Texas Council of Governments) Regional Data Center

NCTCOG Data Center provides high-quality digital geographic data for the North Central Texas region.


CAPCOG (Capital Area Council of Government)

CAPCOG's data services offer timely census information, mapping, regional statistics, economic analysis, businesses, residents and other interested stakeholders in the Central Texas 10-county region.

HGAC logo

HGAC (Houston-Galveston Area Council)

The Houston-Galveston Area Council provides GIS products and services to the public in the form of historical GIS datasets and web-based GIS mapping applications.


TXEDC (Texas Economic Development Corporation)

The official website of Texas Economic Development Corporation provides in-depth resources and reports of Texas economy.

TNRIS logo

TNRIS (Texas Natural Resources Information System)

TNRIS archives, maintains, and distributes the largest collection of current and historical spatial geographic data sets for the State of Texas.

TCEQ logo

TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality)

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the environmental agency for the state.

TXGLO logo

TXGLO (Texas General Land Office)

The Texas General Land Office contains a collection of dynamic, interactive mapping viewers, as well as downloadable GIS layers, and provides energy resources predominantly on the Gulf Coast.

TWDB logo

TWDB (Texas Water Development Board)

GIS datasets are available for download in ArcGIS geodatabase or shapefile formats to various types of natural features.

TPWD logo

TPWD (Texas Parks and Wildlife)

TPWD provides data and mapping applications about the natural and cultural resources of Texas.

Texas Department of Public Safety logo

Texas Department fo Public Safety

Crime statistics by police departments in Texas.

City of Arlington logo

City of Arlington Police Department

The database used to generate reports from this page contains nearly 100,000 police records, encompassing the most recent 13-month period. Information is updated nightly. The incident database includes all events that result in the generation of a police report number.

City of Fort Worth logo

Fort Worth Police Department

Fort Worth Police Department provides to search preliminary crime information. 

TXDOT logo

TXDOT (Texas Department of Transportation)

TXDOT  has  variety of GIS datasets such as highway systems, pavements, traffic, transportation, TXDOT projects, and so on.