- ChemNetBase
Allows physical property range searching of the CCD and individual dictionary databases (e.g. Dictionary of Marine Compounds).
- Covalent Radii and van der Waals Radii
Tables (sorted by name, symbol, period, and group) of the chemical elements with symbol; period; group; block; At. No.; At. Weight; covalent radium and van der Waals radius.
- Data & Property Calculation Websites
Listings of both Data Sites, Calculation/Program Download Sites, Organizations, and a brief bibliography.
DIPPR contains experimental data and temperature-dependent properties for over 1,800 pure chemicals. The PROPERTY search tab allows searching for a physical property within a defined range of values.
- EMIS DataReviews Series
Comprehensive data for specific elements/compounds/compound types. For example: Diamond/Mercury Telluride/Liquid Crystals.
- Finding Chemical Spectra and Spectral Data: Web Sources
A comprehensive listing of web resources, general print sources and a description of Sadtler Spectra collections. These are followed by a listing of specific print resources, a guide to searching the literature and the Electromagnetic Spectrum. UT-Austin
- Finding Physical and Chemical Properties
A handy listing of physical properties in both print and web resources ... with links. Vanderbilt University
- Index to Physical, Chemical and Other Property Data
A listing of standard reference sources along with a comprehensive index of properties ans substances that are linked to both print (with World Cat links) and web resources. Arizona State University
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
The "Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data objective ... is to provide critically evaluated physical and chemical property data, fully documented as to the original sources and the criteria used for evaluation, preferably with uncertainty analysis."
- JPCRD Supplements / Monographs
Collections of "critically evaluated physical and chemical property data, fully documented as to the original sources and the criteria used for evaluation, preferably with uncertainty analysis." For example, Heat Capacities, Atomic Energy Levels, etc
NIST Data Gateway
Links to selected online NIST databases (both free and those available for purchase). Search with keywords, properties or substances, or link to a list of free NIST databases, with descriptions. Search for JPCRD journal articles by title, author, year published, keyword or substance.
- Physical Properties Sources Index (PPSI)
A comprehensive index of physico-chemical and other material properties in both web and print resources. ETH Zurich
- PolyInfo
Polymer properties, structures, names, processing, andmethods. ~100 types of properties including thermal, electrical and mechanical are range searchable.
- Spectra & Spectral Data
A guide to references sources grouped by spectra type or by compound type. Univ. Buffalo
- Springer Materials: The Landolt-Bornstein Database
Indexes the contents of: L-B; the the Linus Pauling File Multinaries Edition - 2009 database on inorganic solid phases; Thermophysical Properties, a subset of the Dortmund Data Bank Software & Separation Technology; and Chemical Safety documents such as REACH Data.
- ThermoDex: An Index of Selected Thermodynamic and Physical Property Resources
ThermoDex contains annotated bibliographic records that describe compilations of thermodynamic and physical property data for chemical compounds and other substances. Entering both a property and type of compound provides a list of handbooks that might contain these data. UT-Austin
- WolframAlpha
Provides "dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods." Recently updated information on solution chemistry (e.g. miscibility, concentration calculations)
- Thermolit
Freely Available. "NIST Literature Report Builder
for Thermophysical and Thermochemical Property Measurements". Thermolit gives you the conditions for the measurement and the full literature reference, but NOT the actual property value.