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ANTH 4398 Summer Field School in Anthropology (GIS Resources)

Resources to accompany introduction to GIS tools as they are used in archaeology/anthropology.

There are a number of GIS tools available on the market.  As a UTA student, you have access to ArcGIS Online through your web browser or ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.2 on the computers in the Day Family Research Lab located on the fifth floor of the Central Library.  There is also an open source product called QGIS which is free for anyone to use.

ArcGIS Pro is the newest installed software offered by Esri, but it is not available to UTA students for free at this time. Student licenses are available if you would like an installed version on your own device, but you must cover the cost.

CLICK HERE for a brief description of the difference between ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online and how they interact 

Tutorials and Background Information

Examples of Interactive GIS Maps

GIS can be used in a variety of formats including

  • Dashboards- Maps that can display data in a variety of ways depending on need.  Think of your typical crime map or a map that shows different kinds of state, county, or city boundaries that you can toggle on and off.
  • Story Maps- Maps that are embedded in websites that tell a story about history or society.  These are usually public facing and designed to be highly engaging.  You could display the results of a academic research project using a Story Map.
  • Apps- If you or a user needs GIS to perform certain narrowly defined tasks, an app might meet those needs.

GIS in Archaeology and Anthropology

A couple of recent examples of how GIS might be used or talked about in academic contexts in archaeology and anthropology.