Where to Find Ideas
Why Should I Start with Background Information?
Narrowing a topic requires you to be more specific about your research interest and can help you to develop a thesis.
Questions to Narrow Your Topic
What is a Thesis Statement?
A thesis is typically a one sentence statement in the first paragraph, or beginning, of your project that states your purpose. Thesis statements should be arguable, specific, detailed, and meaningful.
These questions will help to transform your topic into a research question.
What is your topic?
What issues/concepts related to your topic do you need to understand better to develop a research question for your proposal?
What scholarly literature have you found related to these issues and concepts?
What gaps do you see in the scholarly literature related to your topic?
How can your research proposal address a gap in the scholarly literature?
Write a research question that, when answered, will help you to address that gap in the scholarly literature.
See the example below and use the blank worksheet to narrow the scope of your literature review:
Video created by staff at Kansas State University Libraries
Created by NCSU Library
This handout illustrates how a research question develops from a broad topic to a focused question.