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Nursing Research Overview

What is a Research Question?

Characteristics of research questions; 1 limited to a single problem. 2 provides comprehensive and detailed results. 3 should be able to find the answer using data collection; 4. should be relevant and realistic; 5. resolvable within the time limit and other restrictions; 6. reflects your chosen field of study

Writing a Research Paper Introduction; 1. Introduce your topic 2. Describe your background 3. Establish your research problem 4. Specify your objectives 5.Map out your paper

Types of Research Question Formats

P Population Who is our patient? What is the problem being examined? Ex: New mothers with post partum depression; I intervention what therapy or intervention is being evaluated? Ex: Drug therapy; C Comparison are we comparing this intervention to another? EX: Exercise theory; O outcome what outcome measure are we using to determine efficacy? EX: Depressive episode frequency
P Population or Problem who is our patient? What is the problem being examined? EX: caregivers of Alzheimer's patients; I Interest Defined event, activity, experience or process EX: Attitudes or experiences; Co Context the context is the setting or distinct characteristics. EX: Australian memory centers
P Population who is the focus of our question? EX Mothers; E Exposure What is the issue of interest?  EX: family pressure; O outcome what, in relation to the issue, is being examined? EX: experiences
S Setting where is this taking place? EX: Texas Highschools; P perspective who are the users? Who are the stakeholders? EX: Teenagers; I Intevention/exposure/interest what is the intervention? EX: Contraceptive-based sex education; C Comparison is the intervention being compared to another? EX: Abstinence-only sex education; E Evaluation How is the success of the intervention being measure? EX: Teen pregnancy Occurance
S Sample who is being studied? EX: Primary care physicians; P.I Phenomenon of Interest, How and why are experiences, behaviors, or decisions are occurring? EX: Screenings for STDs; D Design, How has the research been collected? EX: Interviews or surveys; E evaluation, How are the outcomes measured? EX: Attitude or experience; R Research Type, What type of research? EX: Qualitative studies
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*Click the hsc library picture to be taken to the site to learn more information about the different layouts for a research question.